inimzi – The Infinite Spark Within

Verses & Notions


the inimzi definition

This concept elucidates the fact that nobody among us contains any less potential than any other person does since we all have creativity as part of our being. It is this creative imagination which makes us have control over our future and make that future real. Besides being a source of great enthusiasm; the unlimited spark within us also results in remarkable thoughts.

While on earth, we might look outside ourselves for ideas or guidance from elsewhere or even from within life itself. However, it should be known that this boundless fountain-head of our worth and creativity lies in us…it is that particular element which makes us dream big, get passionate, and get an idea where we are headed.

boundless energy

The answer is both simple and profound. It is the infinite spark within. Light, unlike darkness, allows us to perceive life, in depth and in vibrant colors. A meaning with the purpose to discover ours.

Throughout history, religions, myths, and philosophies have centered around the symbolism of light. It’s a common thread that runs through the human experience, illuminating our understanding of the world and ourselves. 

When you recognize the light within you, you transcend the limitations of black-and-white thinking and step into a world of infinite possibilities, diverse colors, and unique identities.

Yet, amidst this diversity, we are connected by sharing, the air we breathe, the soil, the sustenance we consume, and the roots that bind us to the Earth. Everything around us is connected, too. No one without another and all; we are all part of a larger whole. Though we are different, we share a common humanity.

The light within shines with just the right intensity and speed for our eye to perceive, reminding us of our shared spark, boundless energy, the limitless potential and infinite possibilities that reside within each of us.

Look at life in colors.

The What

Welcome to whatever this is…

the what of inimzi

The What

PWR- Principled. Wise. Respectful.