Embrace uncertainty. In the world of possibilities, Each move results in a new creation. Each fall brings forth another lesson. Each pivot imparts a fresh perspective.

Be Gentle

Be gentle with yourself.
Life rolls in waves, reflections, refractions,
Diffractions, and interferences.
You are an expression, an image,
A music and some lyrics.
Imagination is that brush
Of your pen and instrument.

Still remember
The most beautiful music
Has moments of silence.
Even the quiet times
Are meant to be
As valued as the high ones.
Inside those gaps
We create something new.

Have patience for your own growth.
Like a tree,
You have your seasons of bloom
There are times
When you shed leaves
And others when you stand still.
Its roots go deeper than it is aware,
And this life is anchored
Even amidst the invisible storms.

Embrace uncertainty.
In the world of possibilities,
Each move results in a new creation.
Each fall brings forth another lesson.
Each pivot imparts a fresh perspective.

Live in harmony with others.
Every different note
Contributes into our big song,
The one that sometimes leads
And at other times lends support.
In that community-wide
Joint effort towards music,
You must discover your own song,
tempo or place.

Paint outside the lines.
Conventions are often just suggestions,
Creative power is boundless.
To make your life canvas whole
Use all the colors of your soul on it.

The Gentle Symphony of You

These words are like a warm hug for the soul. It’s reminding us that life isn’t about being perfect – it’s about being perfectly you, in all your messy, beautiful glory.

Think about those waves and reflections the poem mentions. It’s like what the physicist David Bohm talked about with his idea of the “implicate order.” Everything’s connected, everything’s flowing. You’re not just you in isolation – you’re part of this big, beautiful dance of the universe.

And that bit about imagination being your brush? That’s not just flowery talk. It’s like what the philosopher Gaston Bachelard said about the poetic imagination. He thought our ability to dream and create was what made us truly human. So when you’re imagining, you’re not just daydreaming – you’re tapping into your deepest humanity.

Now, those moments of silence in the music? That’s wisdom right there. It’s like what the Taoist philosophers were all about with their concept of wu wei – doing by not doing. Sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is just… be.

And how about that tree metaphor? That’s not just pretty imagery. It’s like what the psychologist Carl Rogers called “unconditional positive regard.” It’s about accepting all parts of yourself – the blooming times, the shedding times, the standing still times. They’re all part of your growth.

Embracing uncertainty – that’s where the magic happens. It’s like what the quantum physicists discovered about the universe. At its core, reality is probabilistic, not deterministic. Each choice, each action opens up new possibilities. You’re not just living your life – you’re creating it, moment by moment.

Living in harmony with others while finding your own song? That’s the sweet spot. It’s like what the philosopher Mikhail Bakhtin called “polyphony” – many voices coming together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. You’re not just singing solo – you’re part of this grand chorus of humanity.

So what does this all mean for us? Well, maybe it’s about giving ourselves permission to be gentle, to be imperfect, to be works in progress. It’s about recognizing that those quiet times, those uncertainties, those moments when we feel out of tune – they’re all part of our unique melody.

Remember, you’re not just the musician – you’re the instrument too. Your experiences, your choices, your very being creates a song no one else can sing. So go ahead, paint outside those lines. Play those off-beat notes. As the jazz great Miles Davis said, “There are no mistakes in jazz.” There are no mistakes in life either – just new colors for your canvas, new notes for your song.

So be gentle with yourself. Embrace all your seasons. And most of all, keep playing your unique melody in this grand symphony of life. After all, the world needs your song – in all its messy, beautiful, perfectly imperfect glory.