There’s a story within each of us,
spun from hurt and quiet victories.
Yet beneath the details, the echo of our years whispers the same essence-
a shared longing for connection.
Friends from the cradle,
yet a few sculpt the world with illusions,
spinning the idea that unity is forged
only in the fire of a common enemy.
But how can that be true,
when kindness is our first language?
Life grows complex
beneath the veils we sew,
when its essence thrives
in the simplest of truths.
Water flows freely,
gifted by nature’s grace.
Food flourishes in soil
untainted, unclaimed.
The breath we take—pure, unseen—
renews every atom, every pulse of life.
Would we not thrive,
if we cast off the burdens
and embraced the abundance
that was never meant
to be possessed?