Digital Gods and Modern Tribes

In our hyper-connected age, social media platforms wield godlike power over hundreds of millions, transforming our once-colorful world into stark black and white. These digital empires, controlled by those who position themselves as arbiters of truth, have succeeded in dividing humanity into opposing camps. As religious authority merges with political power, and nuclear threats loom,…

digital dystopia

One cannot help but wonder at the penetration of modern platforms in the lives of nearly half the world’s population, a scale that looks nearly godly in nature. However, those individuals with this power, as high and intangible as deities in most cases, are almost always evil omens for society. It is as though they exist as non-existing elements in terms of reality and objective turht, or some kind of a sieze to invent such the ultimate reality and law. And it is enough to only hear those words to be convinced of this. Such thoughts, in waves, envelope the whole cyberspace and their disciples unquestioningly follows after ,adhering to all this negativity. Whoever rules the information, rules souls.

We used to live in a world full of diverse cultures, customs, and charming tribal ways. But the same cannot be said now that the advancements in social media have led to a bleak world. We are in a connected world where everyone suffers the pressure of taking a side. And while going through that, we have put on hold our originalities and everyday basic interactions. The faces of real people around us are out of sight and people pay attention only to the pleasures of belonging to these digital tribes.

One faction believes that it is divinely ordained and follows a specific leader. Nevertheless, the language of their prophet is sharp and filled with hate — demands for deportation, allegations of dishonesty, calls to jail, and even encouragement to violence. On the other hand, there is a group that does not basically believe in anything except the bare principles of fairness to the enemy and the ability of a human to be sinful and at the same time righteous (as in the saying “Let any of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone” ). They advocate the right to be in love with someone without bounds.

History tells us that any injection of too much god in politics, when religious leaders come in bed with political figures, in most cases results into darkness. These phases usually precede military conflicts, drought, and breeding of animals that induces heavy costs Religion, during such time periods, usually aids the oppression and exploitation of people. It is also noted that in such times sick and pious persons who use religious phrases to call for subordination arise.

Why must we choose between faith and freedom? Why can’t we embrace both spiritual belief and free will? These fundamental questions keep nagging at the heart of our predicament.

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